Entertaining Car Talk!
Time for the Keels in Keels & Wheels with Paul Merryman, co-founder of the event on the boat side of things..
Time for the Keels in Keels & Wheels with Paul Merryman, co…
One of the few events in the country that actually combines keels and wheels - a concours level car show that includes boats. Not just a b…
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May 6, 2021

Time for the Keels in Keels & Wheels with Paul Merryman, co-founder of the event on the boat side of things..

Time for the Keels in Keels & Wheels with Paul Merryman, co-founder of the event on the boat side of things..
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In Wheel Time Car Talk

One of the few events in the country that actually combines keels and wheels - a concours level car show that includes boats.  Not just a boat show at the local civic center, but boats sitting in the water.  Boats that include classic wooden yachts that many owners will be glad to give you a tour or let a walkabout on board.  Just be polite and ask for permission to board.

To tell us more about the Keels in Keels & Wheels, it is Paul Merryman, co-founder of the Keels & Wheels event some 25 years ago.
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Tags: In Wheel Time, automotive car talk show, car talk, Live car talk show, In Wheel Time Car Talk

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