Imagine a world where you could turn your car into a portable generator in a matter of minutes. Our guest, Jonathan Schloo from CarGenerator, has created a lightweight and weatherproof piece of equipment that allows you to do just that! On this episode of In Wheel Time Car Talk, we learn how your car can become a reliable source of temporary electrical power, whether you're camping or facing an emergency power outage.
But that's not all - have you ever thought about connecting your car-turned-backup-generator straight to your home? With the CarGenerator Home Integration Kit, you can keep your essential appliances running during a power outage. Listen as Jonathan shares the installation process and its potential uses.
Plus, Jeff Dziekan takes a look at fascinating world of solar-powered cars, we look at upcoming races, and more on this episode of In Wheel Time Car Talk.
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Speaker 1: Welcome to another In Wheel Time podcast, a 30 minute mini version of the In Wheel Time car show that airs live every Saturday morning 8 to 11 am, Central Live from Studio A and inside the Possum and Sugar Shack World headquarters. It's the In Wheel Time car talk show Coming up Jonathan Schlue from Car Generator. Jeff has a segment on EVs with solar panels. Oh yeah, Conrad has the racing calendar in the car clinic. We'll also have the stories making automotive news headlines. This week We're going to stick it in just ahead on the In Wheel Time car talk show. Howdy, along with Mike out of this World, Mars King, Conrad DeLong. We always need more. Jeff Zekin, I'm Don Armstrong, So glad that you could join us on this Saturday on our live stream. By the way, our live stream is always every Saturday, 8 to 11. And next week we're going to be traveling about 300 miles north, north west of here, to a little place called Grandberry.
Speaker 2: Grandberry Texas, Not Grandberry, but Grand Grandberry.
Speaker 4: You can clear up those warts On Grandberry Lake From last year.
Speaker 2: Yeah, i got those warts, the warts, clear them. Okay, i'm making sure.
Speaker 1: So we're going to go there for the Lone Star Street Rod Association. I'm looking forward to it.
Speaker 4: Huge meet. If you're listening and you're in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, it's definitely worth going to Grandberry to check out some of the cars that are there Some stunning.
Speaker 1: It's kind of like a little vacation village southwest of Fort Worth. Yeah, it's a cute little place.
Speaker 3: And you know I did the road trips for the summer. This is a perfect road trip.
Speaker 1: It is, it's a hamlet. It's a hamlet. That's what I would call it a hamlet. Because then?
Speaker 3: you got ogres and people in her bridges and stuff. Yeah, they don't have any bridges, they've got a beautiful lake there that goes on for miles and miles, and miles and miles 23 miles. We'll find out later because, yes, ms Dooley is going to be on it.
Speaker 1: We're going to talk to Tom's daughter and Ms Dooley from the Chamber of Commerce up there to remind you of all the good things going on In Grandberry.
Speaker 4: In Grandberry.
Speaker 1: I want to say Glanville every time I say Grandberry. But that would be Jerry Glanville I know Jerry Glanville very well Anyway, not that well, but I know him well Because you're special. No, i'm not, he did.
Speaker 4: Okay.
Speaker 1: Back in the oiler days he did broadcasts on the radio station that I worked for. We were all part of that. It was Yeah. Time now to talk to a fellow by the name of Jonathan Shlu. Jonathan, good morning.
Speaker 5: Good morning everyone. How are you?
Speaker 1: Well, very well, thank you. And Jonathan is with cargenerator and cargeneratorcom, and so I don't mess this up, which I am really famous for. I'm going to let you explain what cargenerator is and what it does Go.
Speaker 5: Perfect. Cargenerator is the easiest, safest way to turn your car into a backup generator that can power essential things in your home or your for camping when you're if you're going to do a go off grid. It's 11 pounds. It's the world's only weatherproof inverter. So basically it's the core inside of is an inverter, but really simple. When the power goes out, you don't need to worry about messing around with dangerous gas cans or fooling around with storing things. Simply just attach cargenerator hanging on the front of your car, start your engine and you have power for 50 to 70 hours And it works with gas, diesel, pure hybrid and pure electric. These works across the board.
Speaker 1: Are you? are you from Canada?
Speaker 5: I am, but I would say that I'm North American. I would say, because we're truly we've got about 70 percent of our customers are USA and 30 percent are Canadian.
Speaker 1: No, no, I have nothing against Canadians. I love Canadians.
Speaker 5: Give it away.
Speaker 4: Yeah, and you know what word it was about a boat About, about the who don's almost Canadian, he's from Wisconsin.
Speaker 1: Yeah, well that, and I'm a big hockey fan and I got to know lots of Canadian hockey players back in the day when we had the arrows here and great folks and I truly enjoy especially your sense of humor up there And I guess you have to grow into that sense of humor because of the weather.
Speaker 5: We sure do. We have no, unfortunately. We have no Florida and nothing really that warms in the winter. You're pretty much just turn the heat up in your house and and hope for the best. That's all you can do and work on.
Speaker 1: Work on things like you know inverters in your garage over the winter and come up with this. Is that what you did?
Speaker 5: That's really how it all started. I'll tell you kind of how it all started is we love camping and we going, we love, and way back when we, you know, we used to tent camp and then we got a pop up trailer and we love that. And then I was thinking to myself OK, we need power. Even I was really excited I got one solar panel on the roof and everything else. And then I realized we need power, because just a little bit of solar, enough is not enough. And so then I thought am I going to buy a gas generator and store it and it's like 60 to 100 pounds and store a bunch of gas? And but I kind of thought you know, i have a, i have a great motor, a great engine, a gas tank. It all works well. All I need is the last bit, which is an inverter, but in a fully weatherproof and user friendly and safe enclosure. So that's.
Speaker 5: I'm a bit of a serial entrepreneur. So I sold our tech company back back a number of years ago and my wife and I bought a 30 foot air stream travel trailer and I was really excited because we had five big solar panels And I thought that's great, we can do anything. But then you keep pressing the cappuccino button, like over there, that's our cappuccino maker, i'm in the air stream, i'm in the air stream right now And keep pressing that cappuccino button And you realize you actually need more power. You know, if you're, if you're the kind of person that goes camping in a trailer and you shut off all the lights, you don't use the battery, you just wear one of those headlamps all the time.
Speaker 5: Okay, that's fine, but you know what You need power. So I invented a way to do that And it's really simple to start your car engine. We've developed a safe and patented way to do it attached car generator. And then that all worked really great. But then around the fall I was sitting on in the fall time, like September, october I was sitting on my front porch.
Speaker 1: That first cold front blows through and you go Burr.
Speaker 5: It does. And I sat on my front porch and I thought, man, i wonder if the power went out, how do I keep our house warm? And the first thing that I originally did was and I went out and I bought a bunch of kerosene, i got a kerosene heater and a bunch of kerosene jugs and I stored them all in my garage, in my shed, which is pretty dangerous on its own. And then I thought, you know what? I wonder if I could hook up this car generator that I did to our house and our home furnace, like who thinks of that? So I did that and, lo and behold, a couple of months later, in the middle of December, just before Christmas, we had a power outage and we had no. We had a big ice storm and we had no power for three and a half days. All of our neighbors moved out of their houses, they had to go to hotels, their pipes froze, they had insurance claims. It was just such a trouble And we literally just went out, started our car, i attached the original version of the car generator to it and we ran for three and a half days using our car, and that's about 83 hours. And when the power came back on, which was just the day before Christmas, we actually had used about a half a tank of gas. So that's with a Toyota Highlander hybrid, which is still actually running great right to today. So that's the story.
Speaker 5: The key thing is you know people, they try to store wood and they have like all these different ways to try to stay warm, but really all you need to do is just start your car and attach a car generator and run an extension cord inside, or we have a special home integration kit And that's really it. You can power your furnace, your home gas or oil furnace, for 50, 70 hours. You can run your fridges. California PG&E was shutting out all of the shutting off people and all their freezers and fridges are going bad. And why not just start your car and attach a car generator? it weighs 11 pounds.
Speaker 4: So that's all you need to do. How does it attach to the car?
Speaker 5: So really easy car generator. I have one here with me in our air stream trailer, So this is what it looks like, And it has a set of standard booster clamps, although they, yeah, but they are special high-heat capable booster clamps. So normally with a booster clamp or booster cables you can buy cheap ones, because you're just using it to start, you know you're gonna run short 48-inch 100 amps right for like for five seconds or something, just to jump the other car.
Speaker 5: But when you're pulling power continuously it has to be done differently. So our 1000 watt unit has jumper clamps on it. Our bigger units, which is 1500, 2000 watts and even a 3000 watts for people who have dual alternators, those ones use a direct connect. It's a plug that actually installs in your engine compartment and basically just connect it and plug in and that's it, yeah. And then inside there's just standard. You can probably see this. There's basically standard household type outlet And you just plug into that and that's literally all you do. And that is how you use car generator. And the best thing is, when it's done, you just fold it up, put the cables inside. It all packs away nicely and put it away and forget about it. You can see on our website, wwwcargeneratorcom. You can see examples of lots of videos of how this works, and then you don't have to do anything. You could forget about it for three years and then pull it out and it'll work just as good as the day you used it first.
Speaker 2: And when we were talking about this the other day, i mean it went through my mind that the beginning of hurricane season this week and we've already got a storm out there in the Gulf of Mexico. I have to take my generator out, i have to get some fresh gas start it.
Speaker 2: Let it run, hopefully, and if it doesn't, i gotta take it to the shop and make sure it's gonna run. And I can do that every year, because I don't think about running it every two or three months, i just do it once a year And in my mind this thing eliminates that. And for the price I paid for my generator I could buy that unit.
Speaker 1: How much is that unit?
Speaker 5: Car generator is around 800 bucks and the key thing about it is that you know, we see people that a power outage happens and we call it the two and a half year oh my God or oh my gosh. So what happens is people rush out in a power outage, rush out to Home Depot and they buy a generator and then they use it for a day or whatever it is and they put in the shed and they forget about it and then two and a half years later they go to start it up in an emergency when they need it the most and it doesn't work and the carburetor is gummed up and it's old gas and all these kinds of things. So you know, i would say we always say if you use a generator often, if you need it, like if it goes, your power goes out several times a month, then God bless, go out and buy a regular generator or buy a big Generac or whatever, but if it goes out occasionally, this is the simplest product and the approach is very simple. Like people, a lot of car guys initially sort of get worried oh, is it going to destroy your alternator or engine or anything else? and the principle and the answer is no, the way it is is that any car out there is engineered spending millions of dollars so you could go out, start the engine and put all the accessories, switch all the accessories on. You could leave it running like that for a day, no problem.
Speaker 5: I mean not a 69th due to Baker, but any modern car. It's engineered so that any weather you could just start it up and all we're doing is we're saying, when you're not driving your car, just shut all those accessories off, and we're pulling that power out to do a different job, which is like running your home furnace or running your fridge or freezers or things like that. So it's a very simple, very safe way to pull power out of something you already have and it's maintained, it's quiet, it uses about the same amount of gas as a regular gas generator. You can get new videos on our website, cargeneratorcom. You click on videos and you'll see where. We took an OBD scanner I think it was a blue driver or something. I got an Amazon for $100 and it shows you the fuel rate and you can see it's like about a quarter gallon an hour, like a third of a gallon an hour. You can see. So it's a very simple way to get a modest amount of power out of your car.
Speaker 2: But now, so that's the portable one and to me in my mind, from my use, because I can take that over to my mother's, i can take it over to the kids wherever I need to use your car. But you mentioned there was a home integration kit for, like somebody puts in a Generac, like down at the beach they put in propane tanks to fuel them. So the home integration kit. Could you kind of expand on that a little bit?
Speaker 5: Yeah, i'll talk about that. So just to first, the people that buy a Generac like if you, some people are the kind of people that when the power goes out, you know what they want they want to this big motor on their front lawn to start up and then it'll power everything. They can switch all the lights on, host a party, run laundry, bake a cake. I'm not really that way. All I wanted to is I want to make sure that I can keep my furnace running to stay, keep the house warm in the winter, or I can, you know, run my fridges in the summer. A couple of lights and TV and that's all. I'm not looking to run everything in my house and my walk-in. You know all these kinds of things.
Speaker 5: So the home integration kit from Car Generator takes the power of Car Generator and makes it super easy to connect to your house. It's a little box that connects. An electrician will install it beside your electrical panel. It's fully UL and CSA and all safety approved. The electrician will install it beside your panel and there's a power inlet, a special little power inlet plug which is actually a recessed male 15 amp plug on the outside of your house so that when the power goes out.
Speaker 5: You know, typically what'll happen is people attach a generator and then they run an extension cord in down through dark stairways and they have to pull the fridge away from the wall in the kitchen and they have to do all these things. This just makes it really easy. Instead of panicking, you basically start your car, attach the car generator, plug it into there and then you've got four switches that you can switch over. So your home gas or oil furnace could be one circuit, your internet and TV could be another, your fridge could be another, your freezers could be another, and that makes it really simple also to load share. So if you need to run one thing for a bit and then shut it off and run something else, you can do that too. So that's called our home integration kit, and if you go to cargeneratorcom you'll see we also have a bundle that includes car generator plus the home integration kit together. So it makes it really simple. We sell them both together. It's everything you need to go, and that's all.
Speaker 1: Okay so.
Speaker 2: What I thought of whenever he was talking about this the other day was so like you got your classic car I was thinking about when Harvey came through got your classic car in a controlled environment because it's you know, you're trying to take care of it. Well, the power goes out. Well, you lose your controlled environment. Well, here's an opportunity that you could either feed it off that home integration out to that or set up a separate unit so that your if your car is worth it.
Speaker 2: Now you've got control over your controlled environment when there's no power, very nice Yeah we've actually, we actually had a company that special Expediter Wines.
Speaker 5: They are specialized in premium wine storage and transfer and and they actually featured our product as well as a really great way to get backup power for if you've got, you know, premium wine collections, you can do that. So there's all kinds of things you can do And, quite honestly, it's also for people with CPAP machines, most recently the Kidney Dialysis Association. Dave, we've sent them one and they're going through it. So, basically, you know, if you're running Kidney Dialysis or you need medical or CPAP machines, we had a customer that bought one.
Speaker 5: His wife had an operation and she was on a hospital bed in their home with air, with an air bed, and they used it to run that when the power went out. She had a hip operation and they needed it for a chair to lift out, lift up. So there's so many different things. And car generators just a really simple way to get a modest amount of power And it's a different way of thinking about power instead of the traditional electrician will come in and they'll add up. You know they'll come in and they'll add up all the different things in your house and then they'll tell you you need this giant thing. I honestly I walked by a semi, a semi house, semi detached house in our neighborhood and they had a 22,000 watt generator in the front line And I thought you just got so oversold. Who run like really So?
Speaker 4: yeah, I did. We just put a generic in my backyard after is it 22,000? watts 22,000 watt between.
Speaker 1: Oh, my God.
Speaker 4: And I'll tell you, the neighbors don't hear it, You know you got a generator when that thing lights up and it lights up about once a month just to keep the fluid. So what feels it? Natural gas.
Speaker 2: So you got it on natural gas.
Speaker 4: So, another question, really when we walked in this morning and I saw that we were talking to car generator, my thought was, oh, it's a rescue system for Teslas who run out of power on the road. Yeah well you could.
Speaker 5: It would just be really slow because the amount of energy that a Tesla needs to charge at speed in order to get you know, to get any mileage you're probably you're probably better off towing a big generator to do that or something. But you touched on the noise issue and that's actually a really big thing that's come up from our customers. If you go camping, you don't want to be that person that buys the big, smelly, noisy, open frame construction generator. We had one of those guys that can't beside us and he ran his generator, which we couldn't stop him, but I swear it was like a chainsaw running all the time.
Speaker 4: Yeah, the big Briggs and Stratton motors are quite noisy. I think Honda's are actually quite quiet as a generator.
Speaker 5: They are And that, but there's a dirty secret about that. So people sit there with their Honda generators in front of their trailers and it's pouring, super quiet and it's really great, but they're only pulling 100 Watts. wait until they ramp up to the full load of you know a couple of thousand Watts. Yeah, it's a different.
Speaker 2: Yeah, it'll keep up, yeah. Jonathan where's your car?
Speaker 1: Where do I, where do we go to look at the pricing and order one?
Speaker 5: For sure, wwwcargeneratorcom and, if you're, if you have any questions, call us anytime 800-750-466-0. And we're operators are standing by.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Speaker 4: Does it come with a set of Gensu knives?
Speaker 1: No, no Gensu knives. I want to. I want to make sure, though, that I'm getting it from Canada.
Speaker 5: Yeah, you actually ship out of both Buffalo. We've got a US address and a Canadian shipping warehouse, so it goes out of either place. Shipping times usually about two or three days typically. So, it's, it's pretty quick.
Speaker 1: Jonathan, it's great to talk to you.
Speaker 4: What great information, great product and already posted it on our social media. Yeah, yeah So.
Speaker 1: I like it. Thanks so much for joining us today. Best of luck to you. Stay in touch with us. Let us know how sales are going.
Speaker 5: My pleasure. Thank you very much. Everyone. Have a super day.
Speaker 1: You do the same, thank you Great idea. It is, it truly is. If you'd like to get in touch with us here at Inwheel Time, shoot us an email. Our address here is info at inwheeltimecom. The Inwheel Time race card is sponsored by Texas Nostalgia Modified Production.
Speaker 4: And they're out racing this weekend. As a matter of fact, a TRX raceway, but some of the other stuff. Last weekend was a great weekend for racing Monaco, the Coca-Cola 600, which actually ran on Monday, and Indy 500. Some good races to watch. Next Run on Monday AM at Las searched. Monday for an Okay run Tuesday.
Speaker 1: I think it ran Tuesday. Anyway, go ahead please.
Speaker 4: So next up in NASCAR is Sonoma, california, the road course, and that's on the 11th. On the 25th They're gonna be at Nashville for the first time And then on July 2nd they're gonna be in the streets of Chicago. You talk about fast pit stops. They're gonna lose their wheels and tires pretty quick. You know they can take the wheels and tires off your car at 20 miles an hour in Chicago. I wouldn't know that and not be prosecuted. But Clearly you know that. No, that was coming. Yeah, and then Formula one is the Canadian Grand Prix on the 18th, xandorf on the 25th and the Australian Austrian Grand Prix on. Are you wiggling my?
Speaker 1: I am, i'm just on July 2nd, all right.
Speaker 4: Imsa On June 25th is at Watkins Glen, and I'm assuming our friend Alex Udell will probably podium again At Watkins Glen. What if I'd love to just go for a ride with him at speed. And then Indy cars Are at road before me, no, not before you. And then Indy cars were at Road America on June 18th, they're at Mid Ohio on July 2nd. And then June courses Yep, june 10th is the 24 hours of Lamont.
Speaker 1: Lamont, lamont.
Speaker 4: I will tell you this.
Speaker 1: Thank you, that would be the lemons of look. Whatever different race, different race. I've thoroughly enjoyed Monaco with the formula one.
Speaker 4: That's pretty cool.
Speaker 1: That, that road course that they've got set up just absolutely incredible.
Speaker 4: The aerial view really gives you a picture of how that track was set up on those city streets and how, how crazy it is for them to be doing 160 miles an hour and pass and yeah. Well, yeah, trying to outbreak the guy going into that's it. Kane at the end of the tunnel. Yeah and then, of course, last week of the month is the pikes Peak International Hill climb, and that'll be Richard Tomlin and his crew will be there. We're gonna set up a live call, no one.
Speaker 1: Well, no, they're gonna be too busy for that. All right, thank you, sir. Time now for this week's feature from mr Jeffrey the man Zika Yep, and it's called, fittingly, power from the Sun.
Speaker 3: Yeah well, my parents did that to me. They used to call me son a lot, But you've had no power. Yeah, spelled differently, a little bit different, a little bit different. And here we go. So most many prototypes of solar powered cars are currently in development And some are even produced. According to estimates, the solar market For this is 689 billion dollars by the year 2027. Automobile companies are already working on ways to capitalize on this in from technologies such as solar roof panels, charging batteries for the internal systems.
Speaker 3: The one we have here is a Mercedes Benz vision EQ X X And it's an iconic German automaker. Debut the vision EQ X X in January at the consumer electronic show. Having teased this vehicle in previous times, recent months and so on. Teased it. No, no, no, boo boo. The electric concept sedan ranges 620 miles. Mercedes already has a luxury EV on the verge of entering the market. It's a 441 mile range EQ s, which I think you and Mike both throw yep with. The EQ X acts. It promises to go further. So that's that and it's a good-looking little car. I like it. The next one we have is a Hyundai Ionic 5. Hyundai joins the solar power party with a car geared towards st Sustainability, futuristic mobility. It's the new Ionic 5. The car will be available with two battery sizes and two drive trains. Combined with the all-wheel drive option, the Ionic 5 can reach speeds of up to 115 miles per hour. Hold me back.
Speaker 1: The two-wheel drive, like somebody used to, can opener down the side of it there.
Speaker 3: To will drive option enables the longest range of driving, reaches about 300 miles with the largest battery option. Hyundai says the vehicle solar power Options can help extend the range. A bike listen to this 1240 miles per year, which is about three miles a day if you're driving in the sun. Lots of help. This next one I like. I like this next one. And this one is we have we have buzz Evianchelist, who's a friend of the show. This one is called the light year. One Buzz light year, of course, yeah, that's startup. Light year recently unveiled the prototype for what they say is the first car Capable of taking as long distances while being powered only by the Sun. The company claims that the car has a range of about 450 miles. According to light year, the car accelerates from zero to 60 in 10 seconds.
Speaker 3: Ooh, calendar would be better like a 1980s model car aside from solar power Recharging, the car can also be recharged the charging stations and regular outlets. Mike, the company claims to be the first model, consumes Three times less energy than any other EV on the market today, which is very cool, as that you can save. You can save. This next one is a sono motor scion. Scion is a hybrid electric vehicle made by a German startup company called sono. It charges itself by using solar energy. There are 248 solar cells integrated into the body. Meant to be completely self-sufficient and driving short distances. The car can go up to 155 miles on a single charge, adds about 21 miles per day via the solar panels. This thing can go for about 28,500 bucks, in case you're interested to get that solar power vehicle. This next one is my favorite. It reminds me of your daughter, katie Armstrong. She's going to launch this into Mars. You watch, this is called a Wolfgang Thunder Truck.
Speaker 2: The Thunder.
Speaker 3: Truck is an electric off-roader concept with dashing futuristic features, including the bat-wing shaped solar panels. The 800 horsepower mic Thunder Truck EV boasts a 180 kilowatt per hour battery, 400 mile range, 800 foot-pounds of torque and, what's more, mic. It can go from 0 to 60 in 3.5 seconds. The truck comes in two models a 4x4 and a 6x6. Conrad, the company website states state-of-the-art TT Ranger extender easily converts the Thunder Truck into a six-wheel drive Thunder monster, and it only costs $4 million by one today.
Speaker 1: I like the thought, though. Hey. Time now for a quick break here on the In Wheel Time Car Talk show back after this On at the tailpipes and tacos cruise in at the Lupe' Tortilla Tex-Mex in Katie. Thank you for participating in the best cruise in around and look forward to seeing you again. You'll hear about the next cruise in date right here on In Wheel Time. Next time you're in the West Houston Energy Corridor area, be sure and stop in at the original Lupe' Tortilla Tex-Mex at I-10 and Highway 6 or the Katie location on the Grand Parkway at Kingsland Boulevard When passing through Beaumont or College Station. Stop in and have Lupe's award-winning beef fajitas and frozen margaritas. There's always a celebration at Tortilla. Loopy Tortilla founders Stan Hold and his wife Sheila are winning racers on the NHRA Drag Racing Circuit and have a collection of hot rods and classics that everyone appreciates. Look for them at the next tailpipes and tacos cruise in. The date will be announced soon and will once again be held at the Lupe' Tortilla Tex-Mex on 99 in Kingsland Boulevard, just south of I-10 and Katie. We'll give you all the details right here on the In Wheel Time Car Talk show and online Donations benefit God's Garage. We'll see you then.
Speaker 1: You own a car you love. Why not let Gulf Coast Auto Shield protect it? Houstonian John Gray invites you to his state-of-the-art facility to introduce you to his specialist team of auto enthusiasts. We promise you'll be impressed. Whether you're looking to massage your original paint to a like-new appearance, apply a ceramic coating, install a paint protection film, nanoceramic window tint or new windshield protection called ExoShield, gulf Coast Auto Shield is where Houston's car people go.
Speaker 1: Curb your wheels Instead of buying new one. I'd have them repaired. How about a professionally installed radar detector? Gulf Coast Auto Shield does that too. Get a peek inside the shop and look at the services offered by getting online and heading to gcautoshieldcom. Better yet, stop by their facility at 11275 South Sam Houston Tullway, just south of the Southwest Freeway, and get a personal tour. Gulf Coast Auto Shield is your place to go for all things exterior. Call them today 832-930-5655, or gcautoshieldcom. That's it for this podcast episode of the Inwheel Time Car Show. I'm Don Armstrong, providing you to join us for our live show every Saturday morning 8 to 11 am central on Facebook, youtube, twitch and our InwheelTimecom website. Podcasts are available on Apple Podcasts, spotify, stitcher, iheart Podcast Podcast Attic Tune In Pandora and Amazon Music. Keep listening and we'll see you soon.