Join us for some overlanding adventure with our favorite dynamic duo, Andy and Mercedes, the Lilienthals! They'll fill us in on their thrilling summer plans, teaming up with Subaru of America and the Outback Wilderness from their Alcan 5000 run. Plus, they'll reveal how they'll be traveling across the nation to attend Subi Fest events alongside Subaru Motorsports drivers, and give us the scoop on their car being restored to full rally spec! We'll also learn about their unique Delica and EGOE interior camping setup for van life, as well as their DINOOT trailer and Nest Box Super Tramp from EGWA for off-roading adventures.
In our feature segment, it is Konrad’s Car Clinic – we are looking into evolution of connecting rods.
We also discuss the latest recalls from major automakers like Toyota, Ford, Jeep, Mercedes-Benz, and we cover more Automotive News Headlines.
All this and more on this episode of In Wheel Time Car Talk!
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Speaker 1: Welcome to another In Wheel Time podcast, a 30 minute mini version of the In Wheel Time car show that airs live every Saturday morning 8 to 11 am, central Live. It's the In Wheel Time Car Talk show and possum palace Coming up, living with the Lillian thaws. All right, uh-huh. Yes, Mercedes and Andy are with us this morning. Konrad will have the In Wheel Time car clinic. Now. Bring it this week's auto news. Howdy, along with Mike out of this world, Marrs King, Konrad along. We always need more. Jeff Dziekan, I’m Don Armstrong. Thanks so much for joining us today. Let's just get right to it, shall we? I can't wait. It's been months and they've lived and struggled through a long, long winter up there in the Northwest. Ladies and gentlemen, andy and Mercedes, theLilienthals, hi, kids, hello, hi y'all, hi, y'all doing oh good, just emerging from Our hibernation in the winter time, up here with coffee in hand.
Speaker 1: That's good. I’m glad to see that. It's so good to see you guys. So what are you going up to? we haven't talked to you in months, oh.
Speaker 3: Yeah, what are we not gonna?
Speaker 4: It's been a lot. It's been a while. So, yeah, just we've been going to a bunch of events, planning for new events and Just doing, doing all kinds of things.
Speaker 3: So you want to start.
Speaker 4: Sure Yeah, so One of them. we talking about the the thing.
Speaker 1: No, no, don't talk about that, don't talk about it.
Speaker 4: Okay, that's an incident.
Speaker 3: Okay, we're not gonna talk about the incident.
Speaker 4: No so.
Speaker 3: Okay, we.
Speaker 1: You two are married, or what?
Speaker 4: Go ahead.
Speaker 1: Andy, talk about it while I finish so we we in 2022.
Speaker 4: We worked with Subaru of America and did the Wilderness, excuse me. We took the outback wilderness on the Alcan 5000 and we thought that that car was going to get Crushed. They told us it was, it was pre-production, pre-production model and it was going to get Crushed. So we thought, well, that's too bad. You know we're not good. We didn't have to worry about detailing it afterwards or anything like that, we just kind of gave it back them and figured it was gonna be turning into silverware.
Speaker 3: Well, that's what they typically automatically manufacturers typically do with pre-production. I mean they can't sell it, They can't do anything other with it. I mean it's not roadworthy, that's right right exactly so.
Speaker 4: Then we got a call a few months afterwards and they said actually we've decided not to crush it and We want to bring it back to full rally spec and We're gonna bring it to all of the Subi Fest events around the United States and we'd like you at those events.
Speaker 2: Nice.
Speaker 4: Yeah. So this summer, starting next weekend, we're actually gonna be flying around the country to the different Subi Fest events, starting with the big wicked meet in Connecticut, yep, and then Going to be alongside other Subaru Motorsports I, a driver such as Bucky Lasek, and we're going to be talking about the Alcant 5000 in the in the Subaru.
Speaker 3: So and we get to see our girl again.
Speaker 4: We're so excited So cool. Run back just like we had it, put all the lights back on it from Lightforce, the light bar, from Rally Innovations, all the things. Yeah, the Max tracks, etc. And yeah, it'll. That'll be a thing all summer long. So we're excited to do that.
Speaker 2: Does it have a worn winch on it?
Speaker 4: It doesn't. It does have a factor 55 hitch link, but but yeah, we don't have a winch on that one, but but we're excited to do that amongst amongst a whole bunch of other things this summer.
Speaker 3: We've been secretly working on on that project with Subaru over the winter and it's been like we really want to share it. We really want to share it. We just got the OK, literally to share it, and you guys for In Wheel Time with it Exclusive.
Speaker 3: Exclusive. No, but I see you literally have the exclusive. We haven't even broadcasted out to the rest of the world. So we're super excited And, yeah, i think that there are seven to be fast total all throughout the nation And Andy and I are able to go to what about five? I think five or six of them. And so, yeah, they're, they're in Connecticut, they're in Pennsylvania, texas. There's actually one in Oregon where we live, in Portland, at PIR.
Speaker 4: It's more than an international raceway.
Speaker 3: Yeah, there's one of Daytona. I can't do that one, but he's going to go. That's going to be in early October, so where's the one in Texas? When it's when or where.
Speaker 2: But where? Grand Ferry Let me look That probably be about right. Dallas, dallas, fort Worth suburbs.
Speaker 3: I think that is August, or yeah, i hear it'll be nice and cool.
Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, that's exactly.
Speaker 2: Now, be sure, and bring that hoodie you're wearing, you're going to need it. Bring a fan and a cool suit, because it'll be 100 degrees and 90 percent humidity.
Speaker 3: Yeah, yeah, I’m going to yeah, if you had hair, it'd go frizzy. Hey, hey, hey It'll be like right here, but yeah, so it's at the. The one in Texas will be September 10th, that is, at the Lone Star Park in Grand Ferry.
Speaker 2: Yeah, that might not be too bad. We're still going to be hot.
Speaker 3: Well, yeah, oh yeah, we're expecting tank tops and flip flops, so. But we're super, we're super stoked. So that's kind of the big news that Andy let out of the bag a little bit early. Yeah, very good though That's great.
Speaker 1: Thank you for using us in that regard. Yeah, i want to know about the Lilian Thall fleet of oddball cars.
Speaker 4: Oh yeah, So we just got back from Overland Expo West in Flagstaff, Arizona. Last week We had our 94 Mitsubishi Delica space gear van in the show in the in the Warren booth or in fact 55 booth. So that was cool And that vehicle is in great shape. I am replacing a radiator currently in our 92 Mitsubishi Pajero. I was having a little bit of overheating issues. We sort of invaded East of Jeep Safari in our Mitsubishi Pajero And it was fine for over 1000 miles driving there. And then day one on the trails was great And the second we got back on the highway started to get warm like hot And so I brought an extra thermostat with me.
Speaker 4: It's actually a readily available thermostat. Any 2.4 liter Mitsubishi engine uses it. I swapped that out in the parking lot. That didn't make a difference. Lower radiator hose wasn't getting warm at all, It was ambiently cold to the touch. So I thought, yeah, that radiator is probably not flowing real well. So I just had it pulled and flow tested, because it's a brass copper radiator that can be record and all that stuff.
Speaker 3: Please second you pulled the radiator and then had it flow tested.
Speaker 4: You got to give yourself the props of actually pulling the radio. I will say Mercedes was very good at beer delivery.
Speaker 2: The important things in life.
Speaker 3: Everybody I was- going to say I had to keep him like full of liquid even though he was draining everything and getting the vehicle wrapped.
Speaker 2: Did you do something on YouTube with the one that you were just at that event? I?
Speaker 1: think I saw something with you on YouTube. You're talking about a wench on the front of it.
Speaker 2: I’m not sure I did see that.
Speaker 4: Yes, I did a video for the Warren Industries.
Speaker 2: I did see that video.
Speaker 4: Which is a video on steel versus synthetic rope, which is one of the number one. Ask questions about winches is which do you want steel? steel rope is very durable. Synthetic rope is lightweight, easy to handle but is a more abrasion prone. Doesn't store the potential energy that steel does. So we've been doing some video initiatives and what not on our YouTube channel And there's such a thirst for education these days in the off-road industry I don't care what facet of it. So many people are getting into four-wheel drives and with such readily capable vehicles out of the box, like your Wrangler Rubicon, your Ford Broncos, that new Tacoma that's coming out, the Frontier, et cetera, et cetera. People want that, but they don't necessarily know all the ins and outs yet. We all learn at some point.
Speaker 4: So we've been producing some videos on off-roading and winching and vehicle recovery.
Speaker 2: Did you get a chance to see the interview before yours with the car generator?
Speaker 4: I did not. No, we were too busy brewing coffee.
Speaker 2: Well, just knowing your Trek lifestyle that would be something kind of cool as well, because you can get a 1,000, 1,500 watt generator that runs off the alternator in your car, so kind of a good tie-in. And the guy says they use it for their cappuccino machine There you go.
Speaker 4: We have 101 ways to make coffee while traveling.
Speaker 3: I was going to say I think didn't. The GMC team, which is also a local Portland Oregon journalist team in 2020, they had a Sierra Denali T4 and they brought their cappuccino machine and they actually were making. During the Alcan 5000 rally in the winter, they were making coffee on the run.
Speaker 4: At the Arctic Circle. I mean not showing off or anything, but you know.
Speaker 2: So you guys stayed close to them then huh.
Speaker 3: I never even got any. Well, they wouldn't do decaf. I unfortunately have to have decaf in my system. Apparently, this is all decaf, energy here, right?
Speaker 2: here. So what else is in your future plans as far as some of the rallies go?
Speaker 4: Yeah, Yeah. So early June we have the Northwest Overland rally in Plain Washington, which is a couple hours outside of Seattle. That's our I think I can speak from Mercedes and saying one of our favorite events of the year, And it's just a super, super event, Super fun?
Speaker 1: What makes it? what makes it your favorite?
Speaker 3: The people. It's probably two to 3000 people. So it's small, it's intimate. Everybody there is just really chill. There's a great bonfire and raffle. I mean there's tons of people that come, you know, and just tons of raffle items. That and great raffle items.
Speaker 4: We give away a winch at the at the raffle Sits of tires new roof top tents.
Speaker 3: It's just like holy cow. There's like really good, you know things that are given away, but it's it's a lot of great classes. There's off road driving, you know courses that people can take their vehicles through and learn how to drive. It's just a really great. You know non 30,000 people. You know type of an event.
Speaker 4: It's not just a vendor show. I can't, i can't and I’m not really sure why, but I've met more people at that show that I've maintained real legitimate friendships with all over the world forever And I've been to every single one of these, starting in 2010. And it's just a super, super good event And you have enough time to actually talk to people.
Speaker 2: So what? what vehicle do you bring?
Speaker 4: We're going to bring our Delica for this one, yeah.
Speaker 1: Do you have a rooftop tent for the Delica?
Speaker 3: No, well, no, we don't have a rooftop tent for the Delica, but we actually do have a Czech Republic based company called EGWA has got an interior, really nifty floating interior camping setup which we have in it. So they just branched into the US a couple of years ago and it's still a fairly unknown company here in the United States, and so it's kind of like a folding out bed setup And it's a box in the back that you don't have to drill into your floor floor. You basically strap it down using your existing anchor points And it's got a camper like stove setup. It's got an actual functioning little refrigerator that you can use if you wanted to buy the refrigerator setup and a sink as well that you can use, and so it's still contained.
Speaker 3: And the best thing is is you can take those modules out and lift it out when you don't need it. And for Andy and me, we use our van so much to haul stuff like oh, bumpers, boos, you know, So we have to have things in a convertible fashion. So for us, we're just going to sleep in the van, yeah it's a very comfortable setup.
Speaker 4: It's got everything we need, So we'll be taking that. Now we actually do have a rooftop tent. It's on a little trailer.
Speaker 4: We have a we have a CVT tent on this trailer from a company called Denute the I-N-O-O-T. They're out of Salem Oregon. He makes these fiberglass-sided off-road trailers And they're super because they don't weigh anything, and so we have a rooftop tent on that. I took that little trailer, we've lifted it, put some 31-inch tires on it And I took that on the four-wheeler Overland Adventure in October. And I'll tell you what. That was more difficult than I expected And that little trailer I thought for sure was going to tip over a few times.
Speaker 4: And it went right where it was towed And it was fantastic. So it's a great little product. So we can always hook that up behind the van or any of our other vehicles. Even our Subaru can pull that little trailer I can move the trailer around by myself if I needed to. Very low tongue, weight, all that stuff. And what was the name of that? again, denute D-I-N-O-O-T Cool.
Speaker 3: And the name of the camping setup. The interior camping setup is called EGWA. It's the name of the company, it's E-G-O-E, and the name of the actual product is called the Nest Box N-E-S-T-B-O-X. It's all one word. And the interesting name, that model name for us, because it's the most ruggedized off-road version is called the Super Tramp Also one word.
Speaker 2: Oh, they should have called it the Lilian Fall.
Speaker 3: Right right, So we may be. I don't know how many other people in the US are actually using them. I know that there are people that have bought them. We're testing them out, So we've written a couple of articles on them, like Tread Magazine, I think, Expedition Portal we've done one for So we do have a couple of our reviews out there. If you were to type our name in and type in EGWA too, you could read about them. They're fairly extensive. So we wrote about what we like, what we think could be improved, because there's always room for improvement and costs, et cetera, et cetera.
Speaker 1: You know, in racing they always have stickers that go on the side of cars And most of the time it's either some sort of a trade for the sticker on the car in light of you know you promoting their product, or, whatever the case may be, I’m thinking the In Wheel Time Car Talk show needs to have a sticker. We'll send it to you and you can put it on the Delica and any other kind of a contraption that you guys are testing.
Speaker 3: Absolutely.
Speaker 1: And we'll continue to promote the Lilian Thall living lifestyle.
Speaker 3: Send us some stickers. I like the alliteration.
Speaker 1: Thank you The.
Speaker 3: Lilienthal lifestyle. I like that. That's that's. Thank you I think it's a good headliner.
Speaker 1: It is The Lilienthal lifestyle. Living with the Lilienthals, i love it. Yeah, there you go, that's right, and we're we're kind of like your disjointed other family down here in Texas.
Speaker 2: We're Uncle Frank that you hate to see coming through the front door. We're the cousins in the basement, cousin Eddie.
Speaker 3: You're our other, you're our other Texan friends. We have a couple of Texan friends that are off-roading buddies of ours. They live in Round Rock area and they're just great friends of ours.
Speaker 1: I'll bet you they don't have a white belt and white patent leather shoes like I do, or?
Speaker 2: the or the red pumps.
Speaker 1: That's another lifestyle altogether, for another day.
Speaker 3: There you go Well. next episode.
Speaker 1: Yeah, exactly Okay. So what do? what do? did you get the radiator fixed?
Speaker 4: Well, the radiator is at the shop getting a recore right now. I I ordered a couple of radiator hoses. So this is one of these you know weird car things where I can't just get these radiator hoses anywhere locally. So I had to order them. There's a great website called ParkSukeSUQ And so you, you put in the chassis or VIN code, VIN number, and it spits out exploded view diagrams And so I ordered the radiator hoses. Yeah, you have to pay quite a bit of shipping because it comes from overseas, but I don't know how it happens, but these things came from the UAE in five days. I can't send my mom a postcard in Wisconsin in five days, so it's pretty amazing. So got the new radiator hoses. The radiator should be done a couple weeks and we'll have that guy back on the road here as soon as I can get that radiator. Did you get the radiator done locally? Yeah, there's one radiator shop left in Portland. Yeah, there was going to say it's a disappearing breed Yeah.
Speaker 2: There's business for an assortment of reasons. One of the reasons are it's kind of a environmental nightmare.
Speaker 3: Exactly EPA's just doing it.
Speaker 2: Well, not only that the way they make them. Like he was talking about that, one's metal and brass and a lot of them are now that plastic.
Speaker 4: Plastic.
Speaker 2: Yeah, and they just you just replace it. The guys I know that were in the business. that's all they do now. is you need radiator fixed? Here's a new one.
Speaker 3: Yeah, exactly, and that's the reason why we decided. I mean, you know Andy did I shouldn't say me at all, but Andy did a lot of research and talked to a lot of other Mitsubishi owners and talked about well, should I replace it? I mean you could buy three for the price of what he's doing for the one that we have but, three cheap plastic ones, exactly imported from the UK that are almost as much.
Speaker 4: as you know. it's getting close to just a record anyway.
Speaker 3: Right, which we don't 100% know if they're really going to fit. So, and it's not like a small package you could just ship back either. So you know what was the shipping quote? Was the price of the radiator? Yeah, they price. Yeah.
Speaker 4: They price it more than the radiator itself. And then they emailed me saying that because it's such a big product that it was going to be more expensive than what they quoted. And then I thought you know what, if I get this thing from the UK and it doesn't fit, i've now got a $350 piece of wall art.
Speaker 3: Exactly That looks like a radiator Or a paycheck in back, or then we're, you know, and so we thought, no, just fix it. You know, it's kind of like the just, if you have something good, you maintain it, you fix it. It's, you know, do it right, buy once, cry once, right, right. And so we're, no, we're just paying the money, we're going to keep the, the what's good in it, and fix it.
Speaker 1: So Because we're wrapping things up here, I wanted to kind of change the subject. What kind of coffee do you guys drink?
Speaker 4: The black kind That's great.
Speaker 3: For me unfortunately it has to be decaf, because my body hates caffeine nowadays. It's been years and years since I've had caffeine. but I love coffee, Just plain black coffee.
Speaker 4: I just drink what you all kinds. We get local stuff. We get stuff that's not local.
Speaker 1: Do you do curig or do you do fresh ground?
Speaker 3: Fresh ground. Yeah, we've got a bean grinder at home and we've got a bunch of different ways to make coffee.
Speaker 4: I’m a little bit of a coffee nerd, so We live on the West coast.
Speaker 1: Yeah, Exactly Well. Hey, it's always great to talk to you guys. It's good to see you again. Please stay in touch with us. And where do we follow the Lilian fall lifestyle?
Speaker 4: You can follow us there. Yes, you can follow us at crankshaftculturecom. Crankshaftculture, on Facebook, on Instagram, sometimes on Twitter at crankshaftculture, and on YouTube at crankshaftculture.
Speaker 1: We love you. We love you both. Thank you so much for joining us again. Let's talk again soon, and let's get caught up as the summer ends, shall we? We'll do it over coffee.
Speaker 3: Sounds good guys. Thanks for having us. Thanks for having us.
Speaker 1: You bet Talk to you later. This is Mercedes Lilian fall, and that would be crankshaftculture, what?
Speaker 2: a hoot. They're a little fun to talk to.
Speaker 1: Time now for Konrad's car clinic here on the In Wheel Time Car Talk Show. Is it, is it, that's all again.
Speaker 2: Well, we're talking about crankshafts. I’m going to talk about connecting rods. You know that last week we talked about pistons.
Speaker 2: So the connecting rod connects the piston to the crankshaft. And over time how connecting rods have evolved You know, originally connecting rods are pretty much a cast iron piece with the small eyelets, what attaches the piston and that has to be able to rotate, and then the bottom, the large eyelet which bolts together. That's what attaches the journal on the crankshaft, and relatively unchanged for quite a while. And then they went with aluminum connecting rods because they wanted to reduce their reciprocating weight but they still had to hold on to the strength that was necessary. So the beam was lighter weight in the aluminum ones, but still basically an I-beam construction which is kind of the strongest way to build a connecting rod. And then, because as engines got smaller and you have to disconnect the connecting rod to get the piston out, they went with offset caps. So now the offset cap kind of rotates the attachment point about 45 degrees and it's not straight on the bottom, it's not that offset to the side. But what's the purpose?
Speaker 2: of that Because the engines are smaller, so the working area is smaller.
Speaker 1: Oh, I see.
Speaker 2: So you've, got to get the device to disassemble it right.
Speaker 2: And then you've got the people with the super high RPM engines and they go to needle bearing crankshafts. So with that they'll put certain oh well, that got offset. This is what's called a cranked excuse me, a cracked connecting rod. They scribe the connecting rod and then break it. And then that real rough surface makes sure every time it bolts together it bolts together in the exact same spot And there's no deformation of attaching it. And then the aluminum connecting rods. They can't crack those. So what they do is they groove them to make sure that when you bolt it together it's always at the exact same spot. Yeah, and that way the bearing surface is always in the correct position on it.
Speaker 2: And now the latest evolution is variable compression connecting rods. So what that does and this is kind of a Nissan thing that they actually have in production right now is they have engines with a variable compression. So with that variable compression the stroke gets changed in the engine So the piston doesn't go as far up into the combustion chamber. It's all about trying to develop some kind of fuel economy to the engine. And Nissan does it this way.
Speaker 2: And then they also have this is another version with an elbowed connecting rod trying to reduce that stroke, to reduce the load and stuff. And then so this one, this one's pretty complicated to use with this elbow on it, but again it's all about trying to lower the load inside the engine. And then, of course, harley Davidson, as their Evo engine they have one connecting rod that actually connects to two pistons And it's fulcrummed in the middle, and one connecting rod rides within the I-beam of the other connecting rod And again, that's just trying to get more and more compact in space. So connecting rods are ever evolving and the technology. And Don you remember from top fuel days that connecting rod was a honking piece of metal?
Speaker 1: Yeah, it was like a thigh bone.
Speaker 2: Right, and then the crankshaft connected to the piston.
Speaker 1: And they did not break very often, which was truly amazing considering the amount of force there was 12,000 horsepower. Yes, Well, back then it wasn't 12, it was estimated to be less back then.
Speaker 2: But still it's still a lot of force and that's got to be able to manage it. And when they break, generally it's more of a hydraulic issue that liquid gets on top. So when the crankshaft is pushing it up they'll bend and that's typical.
Speaker 1: Or you could have a catastrophic failure. You don't want to be anywhere close to it then.
Speaker 2: That's when it ventilates, lets the oil out.
Speaker 1: Toyota Motor North America on Tuesday said it's recalling about 96,000 Corolla crossovers in the US because the front passenger airbag might not deploy, increasing the risk of injury in a crash. Again, recall covers non-hybrid models from 22 to 23. Auto makers recommending no one sit in the front passenger seat until the vehicle is inspected and the air is completed. Dealers will inspect the vehicles. if necessary, replace the instrument panel at no cost. Vehicle owners will be notified by late July. Other recalls Missing or loose steering column bolts in the Ford Superduties the F-250, 350 and 450 for 2023.
Speaker 1: A steering column incorrectly assembled in the Jeep Grand Cherokee for 21 through 23. Ford Bronco 21 to 23 seat belt latch is difficult to access. I guess they put a spring on it or something. Electric stability control electronic stability control software error and the Mercedes-Benz EQS 450, 580. S580E, s580, and S680. And NHTSA, nation's top auto safety regulator, on Wednesday proposed requiring automatic emergency braking, including pedestrian detection, on all new light duty vehicles and set minimum performance standards for the systems. If the proposal is adopted, nearly all US passenger cars and light trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of up to 10,000 pounds would be required to have the crash avoidance technology three years after the rule is finalized, tougher requirements would take effect four years after that finalization.
Speaker 2: Yeah, and the pedestrian avoidance system is really some guy with a New York accent screaming get out of the way. No, it's not.
Speaker 1: I like the thought, though. Hey. Time now for a quick break here on the In Wheel Time Car Talk show back after this On at the tailpipes and tacos cruise in at the Lupe' Tortilla Tex-Mex in Katie. Thank you for participating in the best cruise in around and look forward to seeing you again. You'll hear about the next cruise in date right here on In Wheel Time. Next time you're in the West Houston Energy Corridor area, be sure and stop in at the original Lupe' Tortilla Tex-Mex at I-10 and Highway 6 or the Katie location on the Grand Parkway at Kingsland Boulevard When passing through Beaumont or College Station. Stop in and have Lupe's award-winning beef fajitas and frozen margaritas. There's always a celebration at Tortilla. Loopy Tortilla founders Stan Hold and his wife Sheila are winning racers on the NHRA Drag Racing Circuit and have a collection of hot rods and classics that everyone appreciates. Look for them at the next tailpipes and tacos cruise in. The date will be announced soon and will once again be held at the Lupe' Tortilla Tex-Mex on 99 in Kingsland Boulevard, just south of I-10 and Katie. We'll give you all the details right here on the In Wheel Time Car Talk show and online Donations benefit God's Garage. We'll see you then.
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Speaker 1: The award-winning in-wheel time car talk show is available on the most popular podcast channels out there in 30-minute episodes. We realize our three-hour live show can be difficult to catch in its entirety, so now you can listen every day to a convenient, fresh 30-minute episode. Check us out on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, google Podcasts, amazon Music and Audible, along with a dozen more. In-wheel time has the most informative automotive guest interviews and new car reviews, along with popular features including Konrad's car clinic and This Week in Auto History along with automotive news headlines. Our live broadcast airs every Saturday, 8 to 11, central on InWheelTime.com, the iHeart app and on YouTube. Be sure to say hello when we're broadcasting from the tailpipe and tacos cruise in, AutoRama and the Houston Auto Show, among others.
Speaker 1: Now it's easier than ever to hear about all things automotive all week long. You're invited to join fellow car enthusiasts in becoming part of the ever-growing In Wheel Time car talk family. Don't forget those 30-minute podcast episodes on your favorite podcast channel. That's it for this podcast episode of the In Wheel Time car show. I’m Don Armstrong, inviting you to join us for our live show every Saturday morning 8 to 11 am, central on Facebook, YouTube, twitch and our InWheelTime.com website. This is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, stitcher, iHeart Podcast, Podcast, addict Tune In Pandora and Amazon Music. Keep listening and we'll see you soon.