Entertaining Car Talk!
Auto console vault for added security, the banned Nissan Skyline GT-R!
Auto console vault for added security, the banned Nissan Sk…
As automotive enthusiast, we are always 'looking' for new stuff that make our vehicles more useful, or at least more fun! This time of yea…
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Dec. 5, 2021

Auto console vault for added security, the banned Nissan Skyline GT-R!

Auto console vault for added security, the banned Nissan Skyline GT-R!
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In Wheel Time Car Talk

As automotive enthusiast, we are always 'looking' for new stuff that make our vehicles more useful, or at least more fun!  This time of year, we spend a lot of time talking about gifts for the gear head as it is often tought to figure out something new or unique for that special gift.

On this epidose of In Wheel Time Car Talk, we talk with Scott Bonvissuto about the 'Console Vault', a security solution for those on the go.  This product not only becomes part of the vehicle, but has a lot of uses that keeps valuables 'out of sight out of mind' from would be theft.

In our feature segment, Michael Marrs is working on Banned Race Cars with a look at the 1992 Nissan Skyline GT-R - a legend on the track long before it became part of a movie franchise.
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Tags: In Wheel Time, automotive car talk show, car talk, Live car talk show

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Tags: In Wheel Time, automotive car talk show, car talk, Live car talk show, In Wheel Time Car Talk

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